Everyone feels benevolent if nothing happens to be annoying him at the moment.

Acts 16:25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Talk about the opportunity of a lifetime to blow it! Paul and Silas had the floor. They could have made a such a fuss about their situation. All they had done was set a poor slave girl free from the control of a nasty old spirit of fortune telling. They were just carrying out their assignment from the Lord Jesus, who taught them to go about doing good and to heal all that were oppressed of the Devil, because He was with them by His Spirit! (Acts 10:38) They were viciously beaten with rods and thrown into the slammer and their feet were bound with stocks. Rather, than moan, groan and complain for their pain and evil treatment, they worshipped God for His goodness! Just because He is worthy!

Many Christians are whiny and complaining. I have been guilty of this myself! Tragically, the prisoners are always listening. Captives of Satan long to be free. Many of them are listening to us in hope to hear of a better way to live life. They are especially observant of us, when they see we are going through some type of hardship. It rains on the just and the unjust. (Matt. 5:45) Can the prisoners hear you singing in the rain? There are listening for a song of hope and deliverance! Will you join me in singing His praises a little louder?

Every blessing!


Tom AnglinComment